This is rare…

Published January 21, 2013 by Malia

That’s right, it’s a morning post!  The sun is actually out (or at least I’m assuming it is out somewhere behind the piles of dark grey clouds outside) as I write this.

There’s not very much that’s new in my life.  I’m quite busy at work.  I really love that it lets me make use of my minimal OCD-ness.  I’m really only OCD at work, although my parents are really hoping that maybe my need for everything to be in a certain place and done a certain way will translate into my room getting put in order and my boxes unpacked.  I’m not sure why it’s so difficult for me to unpack.  Maybe it’s because I have moved so many times, I just am leaving stuff packed because subconsciously I’m expecting to move again, and what would be the point of unpacking in that case?  (Wow, that’s a terribly constructed sentence, and yet I refuse to fix it.  I’m just that kind of rebel.)  Anyway, work is pretty fun and on occasion slightly gross.  I like that while there’s the structure of routine, I’m getting different specimens to sort every day, so I never get very bored.  This is a good thing, because I get bored quite easily.

I’ve been working out almost daily (usually M-F with breaks on the weekend).  I can tell my clothes are fitting much better.  I haven’t had a chance to weigh myself in a while, so I have no idea what my weight actually is currently.  Therefore, I’m labeling my weight as “Less-Fat.”  I’m still fat, just not as fat as I was.  I’ve been using the Leslie Sansone walking videos to work out.  I do anywhere from 1-3 miles a day.  It all depends on how awake I am and whether I get to go to work at regular time, or if I have to leave and hour earlier for work (car fun, which has led to sharing of vehicles, which means I usually end up at work 1.5 hours early.  This is okay, though, because I’m getting lots of reading done!)

I got a new betta this weekend.  My last betta, Elvira, passed away while I was at school last fall.  She was living here at home because I wasn’t sure she’d survive the 8 hour drive to Grand Forks.  Anyway, the new betta is a really beautiful blue color, and kind of looks like the eye of a peacock feather.  I had a terrible time not bringing home all the bettas at the store.  I know they’re a little fish, but it seems kind of inhumane to keep them in those itty-bitty little cups.  It makes me quite sad.  Enough with the sadness.  My new betta is named Perseus Jackson or PJ (for short).  I figured that naming a beautiful fish after the son of Poseidon could only help it survive!  Now, I’m just wishing I could figure out how to take a good picture of him.

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